Strong Winds Can Lead to Roof Damage

It’s been a rough year, weather-wise from hail storms to tornado warnings and high winds. We saw some days with very strong wind, that had shingles ripping off of roofs and trees toppling over. While you can’t prevent wind damage from a storm happening to your home, you can keep it to a minimum with the proper prevention.

Weather can change easily, but it’s important to keep your roof, the most vulnerable part of your home as safe as possible from wind damage. Before the next big rainstorm, snowstorm or strong winds comes passing through your area, call a professional roofing company to inspect your roof and clarify that everything looks good.

Strong winds can oftentimes create stress points on a roof that over time can weaken and become compromised. These stress points mostly occur at the corners and perimeter of the roof, where it is susceptible to higher wind pressures. Roofs are designed to resist normal wind loads, but over time they can obtain incremental damages by high winds and debris carried by storms.

Sometimes roof damage isn’t obvious by just standing on the ground and observing a few shingles in your front yard. You should always inspect your exhaust pipes, overhangs, and anywhere your roof meets walls. It’s not recommended to inspect your roof yourself, it’s always best to contact a trusted roofing company to inspect for wind damage.

A trusted roofing company will perform an outdoor inspection to check for wind damage, they will inspect some of the following such as your shingles for curling, broken, damaged or missing shingles, cracks, tears, mold or decay, or splitting shingles. They will also look at your roofing cement to check for crumbling pieces, as well as your soffits and fascia for decay or stains.

A roofing professional might want to perform an indoor inspection as well to indicate if there are moisture marks, brown, yellow or grey stains and peeling paint on the walls and/or ceilings. While you are able to perform an indoor inspection yourself, we suggest you call in a roofer for an in-depth inspection. A trained roofing professional has the tools and safety techniques to check for damage.

The experienced professionals at CD Strong Construction can provide you with a detailed inspection and help you determine the next steps. If you suspect your roof has wind damage, contact CD Strong Construction today and ask for a roof damage inspection.

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